Restraining Orders
Allegations of Domestic Violence & Stalking
When a person is accused of abusing or harassing someone, the alleged offender may be ordered by the court to stay away from the alleged victim and to stop abusing or harassing that individual. This order will fall under the category of a restraining order, or a criminal or civil protection order. In many cases, the alleged victim might seek out both forms of protection. It is common for these types of orders to be issued in cases that involve allegations of domestic violence and/or stalking. Violations of restraining orders and protection orders can result in possible jail time, the filing of a new criminal charge, and even the potential for a felony indictment if there are repeated violations.
At The Mayer Law Firm, my team and I provide competent legal representation for individuals who have restraining orders and civil protection orders filed against them. We know that there are many people who are hit with these orders when they never did anything to deserve them in the first place. Because I am a Mansfield criminal defense lawyer who has 18 years of experience practicing criminal law, you can trust that I am qualified to handle your case! I will do everything in my power to get your restraining order or protection order dismissed and to effectively defend your domestic violence or stalking charges. In my view, the best way to avoid the aforementioned harsh consequences stemming from violating a protection order is to work toward having it vacated altogether.
How do restraining orders and civil protection orders work?
Restraining orders and civil protection orders legally prohibit the alleged offender from carrying out acts such as the following:
- Contacting the victim or his/her children, including texting
- Annoying, stalking, harassing or abusing the victim
- Going to the victim's home, workplace or school (or the school of the victim's children)
- Possessing a firearm
If you are dealing with a possible restraining order or criminal/civil protection order, contact The Mayer Law Firm for legal support. I have successfully sought and defended against countless requests for protection orders in court and I can provide you with the competent representation you are looking for! My firm offers free case evaluations, and in my experience, these cases often involve completely baseless accusations.
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